We all are aware of various manifestations of love like parental, materialistic, carnal, self and divine love etc. When we start loving others the way we love ourselves (Self love), the purpose of universal love is achieved. In such circumstances, the entire world becomes a pleasant place having perpetual and incessant reverberations of love. Under these conditions, the waves of love like that of an ocean constantly inundate all living and non- living things.
As a woman I have been able to experience some forms of love, so far, and I have tried to put across such feelings, in a multi-dimensional way in my works.
I have made humble endeavour to express love notwithstanding the fact that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to completely depict it. It has, however, entailed that I chose semi-realistic technique rather than the realistic one. I have used line formations as well as space divisions to elaborate perspectives in my works.
I have tried to accentuate the importance of Geometrical perspective in my works. It has facilitated me in illustrating the internal feelings of lover as well as the surrounding circumstance or ambience.
As is obvious, Woman is the essential form in nearly all my works. It is because only she can truly experience various shades of love in her heart during the course of her life. She also can and is indeed willing to reciprocate, provided she is fortunate enough to get true love in this world rather than being portrayed merely as an item or show piece.
As a girl grows up , confusion prevails in her mind due to her own thinking of values and the ones being imposed by the so called “guardians” of society. She is always in a state of dilemma
As she grows, she becomes conscious of her inner beauty as well as natural beauty all around her. She instinctively knows that she has to further beautify this world.
With a content life, she gets messages that it is time to perform a very important duty i.e. to create a human life from within her so that humanity survives on earth.
A woman is always a mystic creature. She is spontaneous yet mature, kind yet strong willed and soft yet internally tough. She is docile but unpredictable. As they say even the God cannot decode here after creating.
Acknowledging here surreal charm, she longs to maintain it so as to give an eternal joy to the world .She, however, knows that she has to also protect herself from the depraved ones.
In the companionship of her beloved, she fins completeness and contentment. Together they not only look at each together but also discover the world and its unseen pleasures.
Having enjoyed the bliss of worldly pleasures, she is now treading the path of spirituality besides making an intense introspections of her life. Her only remaining wish is to amalgamate herself with the divine.
As a woman she has realized her inner and outside world’s beauty. Engrossed in her thoughts, she now yearns for a soul mate as she knows that despite her perfections she is incomplete without him.
Having found her soul mate and after enjoying the worldly pleasures, she is at the summit of happiness in the youth of her life. Still, she keeps her feet firmly grounded.
As a woman she finds fulfillment in being a mother . it also enables her in finding the tremendous pleasures of rearing her child and facilitating her in becoming a versatile woman.
Per mythology, a ‘Kalash’ is an auspicious thing before starting any work. Naturally, a woman is closely connected to ‘Kalash’ as she has to carry out so many responsibilities including household tasks in her life.
Only a girl can harmlessly play with nature and besides enjoying the nature’s splendor she also supplements it with her own charm. Her innocence is also an undefined aspect of her beauty.
After reaching the threshold of being a charming woman, she realizes that it is the aesthetic sense of women that not only differentiates here from men but also helps in making this world a beautiful place.
Love transcends all form of boundaries be it territorial or religious ones. It brings together two persons and unites them to hold each other’s hand forever.
In the long journey of life, she finally finds a cohort who will be a mentor and protector. She expects him to facilitate her further blossoming as a woman can bloom till her last breath.
Both man and woman are incomplete without each other. Together they sparkle and harmonize each other to form a complete entity. Both live their life and see the work As one.
A woman, by her very nature, is a devoted person be it to her parents, spouse, children or friends. She is ready to even suffer for their happiness and wellbeing.
She is aware that love does not merely mean togetherness as there are other vital aspects of love i.e. separation and wait. She bears the pain gracefully as she knows that it only strengthens her love.
Woman is not only creator but also provider to most of the human civilization. The world must understand that she provides mankind care and love as well.
Being a woman means that she is bestowed with variety of gifts in her life. She appreciates them without bothering about their price and acknowledging the very sentiments behind these gifts.